"Glory" the 243

We have one week until Christmas. A stressful time for some. We can't help everyone in the world, but if I can touch the hearts of a few, that makes me feel better. Let me take you back to a few years ago, my wife was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. The news of course was devastating. We were stressed, sad, mad even, but that was the hand that was given to us. The financial hardship was the furthest thing from our mind, but it was real. Fast forward to 2017, now. The surgeries are over! Chemo is done! Cancer is gone! "F" you Cancer! We've had so much help over the last couple years. Family, friends and an organization that helped us tremendously, the Tammy D foundation( click here for her story ). I know, so far this has nothing to do with guns or that pink/black/grey 243 I posted on social media teasing everyone this weekend, but bare with me. During our treatment, Tammy D foundation helped us with a gift...